Tel: (+268) 2409-6000
Monday-Thursday: 7:00 - 16:30
Friday (sick visits only): 7:00 - 14:30

Monitoring & Evaluation Department
The Role of M&E
The department is responsible for the organization’s continuing function that aims primarily to provide the management and main stakeholders of ongoing interventions with early indications of progress, or lack thereof, in the achievement of results. Ongoing intervention might be a project, program or other kind of support to an outcome that the organization aim for. The department helps the organization track achievements by a regular collection of information to assist timely decision making, ensure accountability, and provide the basis for evaluation and learning. We enable the organization to answer the following key questions:
* What development interventions make a difference?
* Are projects having the intended results?
* What can be done differently to better meet goals and objectives?
* Strategic vision and processes are outlined in our Strategic plan.
* Our main strategic management tool is the Balance Score Card.
* Tools and processes used to manage clinical data, and reporting guide are all outlined in the Data management SOPs.
* Guidelines for capturing patient information are outlined in the EMR operating guide.
* Annual progress about our clinical interventions and psychosocial activities are documented in our Annual reports (bottom of page).